Now L.A. hip and N.Y. chic Been dancin' lately cheek to cheek While Midwest good ole boys like me Should all be playing catch-up, see Subscribe to the Village Voice in throngs And guess who gigs at Madame Wong's Well drop your pens and pant designs And drop six words in your open minds Who you tryin' to kid, kid? To the Hollywood school Teaching everything's cool Who you tryin' to kid, kid? To the Greenwich mockingbird Who has gotta have the last word Got your head together now? Got a way that's better now? Who you tryin' to kid, kid? (say what, bad rap, uh huh) You save the whales You save the seals You save whatever's cute and squeals But you kill "that thing" that's in the womb Would not want no baby boom Good, bad, laugh and scorn Blame yourself for kiddie porn Convenience is the law you keep And your compassion's ankle deep Who you tryin' to kid, kid? Wrap it in a fine philosophy Who you tryin' to kid, kid? But your bottom line still says "me me me" Got your head together now? Got a way that's better now? Who you tryin' to kid, kid? You'll march if all the streets are full A two bit closet radical No time to check the end result Expedience is your catapult Convictions make your skin to crawl You act like you're above it all You say faith is a crutch for a mind that's closed You guzzle your crutch and shove it up your nose Who you tryin' to kid, kid? To my left wing band with their head in the sand Who you tryin' to kid, kid? To the "might makes right" playin' chicken (delight) Got your head together now? Got a way that's better now? Who you tryin' to kid, kid? Can't understand those Christians So you type us all in stereo They're hypocrites They're such a bore Well come on in There's room for one more So now you're mad Who is this guy To bake us all in one big pie? You think I care Forget it, hon You've just been shot With your own gun (bad rap, uh huh) Sugar Hill's gonna need a pill Grandmaster Flash gonna get a rash