Ooh yeh, the Salmon swimming up the stream of time Leaping up the Falls of Man, to the source of Love and Light Guided from Atlantis to the Water-Bearer's jar. Far out-nearerin-and back to where We Are. (Hello!) You know the way to Be You know the way to Be You know the way to Be Ah ah-we're getting nearer Nearer to the Water Bearer Ooh we're getting nearer We're swimming, swimming, swimming with the Salmon (Ooh! yr. swimming with the Salmon) Salty Salmon Solomon Seal, Soulmender Salamander Soul of Man Salar Salmon Semen SalMundi Solver of the Mystery - WoW! Salty Solomon Salmon Soul of Man Sun-Moon Salmon Salamander Solomon Salty Solomon Salmon Soul of Man King of the Fishes...