Steve Green

No Surprise

Steve Green

He was a man of sorrows, who wept in human pain, he knew the grief of parting and his hunger was the same. He felt the sting of insults, and he bore the weight of sin he humbly drank the suffering God set before him.
And it should arrive as no surprise that tears are gonna come, if you're called by his name you're sure to suffer some. And it should arrive as no surprise that tears are gonna come, if you're called by his name you're sure to suffer some.
He did not seek his happiness, he made no earthly claim, for the joy set before him he endured the cross and shame. He was born into the darkness, to shine the light of truth, and if the world hated him, the world will hate you too.
But consider it joy when you share in his pain, for you'll share in the glory to come. And it should arrive as no surprise that tears are gonna come, if you're called by his name you're sure to suffer some. And it should arrive as no surprise that tears are gonna come, if you're called by his name you're sure to suffer some.