Richard J. Daley was the Mayor of our town 'til that cold day in December when they laid him in the ground-- Daley's gone, one more round-- Daley's gone. He was always known as the working man's pal He grew up in Bridgeport and studied law at De La Salle. He was first elected Mayor in 1955 when half the people here tonite were not as yet alive. When John Kennedy wanted to be President he knew just what to do he called up Mayor Daley because he was Irish too. When it came to building big buildings no job was too tough Daley built McCormick Place twice because once was not enough. There never was another man who could inspire more love or hate if you were in the park and it was 1968. It would be funny if heaven was just like the 11th ward and you had to know the right people to receive your just reward. Richard J. Daley was the Mayor of our town and when he died no suitable replacement could be found.