
Perfect Self


Tom: C

Tabber- Iconoclast
Tuning- Drop C (Drop D then a whole step down)

Played on Acoustic guitar. The song isnt really set up like other songs (verses, 
chorus and bridge). So ive labels the sections riffs and have a segment of the lyrics 
to tell you where the riff is played.

Riff 1 "settle down you all"

Riff 2 "it's you and i, begging for life"

Riff 3 "seems like in death we all become our perfect self"


Riff 4 "help comes when i dont even want it" and "seems like in death i'm alive"


Riff 1
Riff 2- cant make out a lot of whats going on, dont know if its right, sry. 
Riff 3
Riff 4
Riff 3 (well you play the first few phrases of 3 then you go into'll get it when u play it)
Riff 4