(Ooh ho) I never read the sign, The writing on the wall, Cos life had begun Can you be the one? 'S like Deja 'vu but I'm sure, I've been here before Love was all you had to lose, But now I know it was too much for you. Tell me why, I'm feeling the way I feel, Deep inside, I know it's not meant to be. This time, I won't take the easy way out, I'm letting go, Cos I don't want you in my life, If you ain't in its for love! You never cross the line, I fool my self I guess, Cos I needed you to feel like I do And, boy, I confess I won't settle for less Love was all you had to lose, But now I know it was too much for you. Tell me why, I'm feeling the way I feel, Deep inside, I know it's not meant to be. This time, I won't take the easy way out, I'm letting go, Cos I don't want you in my life, If you ain't in its for love! I know you've told me a thousand times That there's no love like yours and mine But I can see through you You don't mean it do you? So tell me why, I'm feeling the way I feel, Deep inside, I know it's not meant to be. This time, I won't take the easy way out, I'm letting go, Cos I don't want you in my life, If you ain't in its for love! Cos I don't want you in my life, If you ain't in its for love! Cos I don't want you in my life, If you ain't in its for love! No I don't want you, Don't want you in my life, If you ain't in its for love!