Stephen Cochran

Angel Choir

Stephen Cochran

There's a piano now in the angel choir
Playing all the grace notes in Georgia on my mind
Singing How I once was lost, and I once was blind
Can't you see Ray playing, swaying side to side

There's a guitar now on the holy ground
He's a country gentleman with a Nashville sound
And the grandest Opry house any eyes have seen
Can't you hear Chet's fingers playing golden strings


And the angel choir sings holy, holy where the circle is unbroken
Sinners and saints will sing Amazing Grace
In voices bright and clear'listen---you might hear the Angel Choir

There's a rambling man in the angel band,
He's a Texas outlaw and a highway man
But Waylon is one of them now, a rider in the sky
Can't you hear him whisper, 'Hank, I see the light.'

There's a low note in the angel choir
Singin Hallelujah and the Ring of Fire,
At the gates of heaven now, there's a pile of black
Can't you see those big bright wings on Johnny's back

Repeat Chorus

Lord, when I come home, and I touch your hand,
Will you fill my voice with song, can I join the band
Until I lay these troubles down, fill my heart with fire
And I pray some day I'll join the Angel Choir