Steel Pulse

Earth Crisis

Steel Pulse

The Earth is the Lord's
And the fullness there of now
Gave man his love and they
Reward him with violence
And in these last days
Lend ears to what I say
Man in his ignorant state
Has signed and sealed his own fate
Doctrines of the fallen angels
To quench eternal flames of hell
Doctrines of the fallen angels
To quench eternal flames of hell

Earth crisis! Earth crisis!
All this suffering!
Earth crisis! Earth crisis!

Misguided people
They don't seem to care
They carry the symbol
Of the eagle and the bear
Across the globe
Far east to far west
High tax and cutbacks for military defense
Doctrines of the fallen angels
To quench eternal flames of hell
Doctrines of the fallen angels
To quench eternal flames of hell

Earth crisis! Earth crisis!
All this suffering!
Earth crisis! Earth crisis!

Super powers have a plan
Undermining Third World man
Suck their lands of minerals
Creating famine and pestilence
You hear what I say hear what I say

The Earth is the Lord's
And the fullness thereof now
Gave man his love and they
Reward him with violence
And in these last days
Lend ears to what I say
Man in his ignorant state
Has signed and sealed his own fate in this

Earth Crisis!
In a Earth, in a Earth, in a dis ya time, yah!
Earth Crisis! (crisis and crisis) Earth crisis!
Your life in their hands just waiting to explode.
Earth Crisis! A touch of a button fingertip control.
Earth Crisis! It hardly surprising.
Earth Crisis! Jah kingdom rising.
Earth Crisis! All this suffering.
Earth Crisis! All this suffering.
Earth Crisis! All this suffering.
Earth Crisis! Crisis and crisis.
Earth Crisis! All this suffering.
Earth Crisis!
Earth Crisis!
Earth Crisis!