BUG: I wanna be a Starship Ranger I wanna have the things they've got I could be a Starship Ranger But there's just one little thing they are That I'm not All of my life I've pictured them out there Keeping the peace in outer space I may not be up there with 'em But I've got what it takes I've got a hunger and thirst for adventure I wanna travel the galaxy The future is now, so I don't see how The time isn't right for me And I'll admit It's all in my head But who says it can't be real They may be far away, but I can safely say It doesn't change the way I feel I wanna be a Starship Ranger Even if it might sound strange Maybe now, I'm not a Ranger But all of that is right about to change ROACH: All of your life You've had your head stuck up in the gaseous atmosphere Don't forget that dirt is solid And clouds can disappear When you're an insect You have a purpose, like it or not, from a fly to a flea Need I remind you, leave that stuff behind so you can find what yours can be? 'Cause the needs of The many bugs- ROACH & BUG: they outweigh the few ROACH: And everybody knows it's just the way it goes And there's nothing you can do You wanna be a Starship Ranger? Discover worlds far and near Who gives a crap about Starship Rangers? The greatest life to live is found right here [Now come on! Last one there is a delicious rotten egg!] CHORUS OF BUGS: Dirt eater! Exoskeleton Polisher! I wanna build honeycombs! The Bug that ruins your picnic! .... A fly on the wall! We've all got a job to do And it's how we all survive By giving our life to the hive 'Cause the needs of The many bugs They outweigh the few BUG: I know today's the day CHORUS: (Today's the day) EVERYONE: I/we will find what we're meant to do...