PINCER: Scales and exoskeletons? Why, they pale in comparison To a body that is covered up by skin We get rid of those antennae Give you hair, and clothes and then I Add two eyes & and a nose and my boy, that is only The begining.... [BUG: What are you saying?] [PINCER: You become a Starship Ranger. Listen, my little friend. We are friends, after all. I used to have my fair share of doubts and fears, and they quite literally almost ate me alive... but NO. I took charge! I pushed it to the limit! So you gotta be strong! Be tough! To coin a phrase, be a man...] You've gotta Kick it up a notch If you're ever gonna reach your goal You can't sit around a watch Your destiny's in your control Go 'head and kick it up a notch If your life is at a level too low There's no attempt that you can botch When all you gotta do is just give it a go But then again what do I know? What I see right there Is a prisoner Who's sitting on top of the key So kick it up a notch If you're ever wanna be free [BUG: Wow. To be a real Starship Ranger... it'd be the greatest thing in the world!] [PINCER: It would, wouldn't it? A bug in a human body. You could be the link between our kind and their's.] [BUG: But do I even have what---] [PINCER: Shhhhhhhh---] MOSQUITOS BROTHERS: All you gotta do is Kick it up a notch To dig yourself outta this hole You wanna have the things they got? Then you gotta give that dice a roll NEATO: Kid, kick it up a notch! What's the point of less when there is more? SWEETHEART Have a cigar VEETO: A glass a' scotch When opportunity knocks at your door You let him in and then ya settle the score PINCER: Life is short so Before it's over PINCER & MOSQUITO BROS: Take a chance and think it through PINCER: You'd better Kick it up a notch It's the human thing to do.... So a big, big, universe So many dimensions And unanswered questions, Not to mention, life What an invention, life There's no choice involved in what you are given One mind, one voice, one body to live in But You wanna be a starship ranger Or is that a dream that you forgot? You wanna be a starship ranger? Well this might be your one and only shot! [PINCER: So here's your choice Bug. You can go on leading your meaningless existence, or you could take everything you've ever wanted. All I ask is that when you befriend the humans, you bring them to me. What do you say?] [BUG: I...I...] BUG: I think I'll kick it up a notch I don't care about the queen or the hive [PINCER: "that's the spirit!" Kick em all straight in the crotch!] [BUG: "yeah!"] BUG & PINCER: who are they to deprive Us of wantin to PINCER: Kick it up a notch Never give yourself a reason to doubt You gotta strike it while it's hot Cause that's what living is all about BUG: (same time) I'm gonna be a Starship Ranger! PINCER: My dear Bug, it's time the lights went OUT!!! [BUG: Well see you on the other side, Pincer. I love you!] [PINCER: I love you too, Bug.] [VEETO: I know that we're suckers, but that guy's a sucker!] [PINCER: Yes! What a dumbass. Break out the good china-boys. Tonight we dine again!] PINCER: Kick it up a notch OH my plan is all about to unfold Lets put a twist into this plot! Bug, go fourth, do everything that I've told ya PINCER & MOSQUITO BROS: When we kick it up a notch MOSQUITO BROS: It's blood for us! PINCER: And brains for me! I'm gonna let this little snot Be everything he's wanted to be But only because I know he'll actually Feed my hunger for flesh I'll need it warm and fresh OH, Pincer you're in for a treat Let's kick it up a notch So at last I'll have Human meat!!!!