God it seems that You are drawn to our weakness That You are motivated by our tears And it seems ou're moved to mercy through repentance With no hesitation loocking past the wasted years At the prodical's sheepish returning Expecting rejection and rehearsing his lines He is met with the cross Met only by the mercy of God As it's poured out before him I love the way the Father waits Though met by arrogance and hate How fire does fall and quench their yearning I love to watch the lost returning Though we seem to always choose the hard way And just keep wandering in the wilderness outside the Promised Land No amount of running from You No height nor depth nor any power Can ever seperate us Among all of Your creation Of all the beauty to behold There is nothing more beautiful Nothing more sacred Then a broken man That's poured out before You I love the way the Father waits Though met by arrogance and hate How fire does fall and quench their yearning I love to watch the lost returning I love to see the broken weeping To see the dead awake from sleeping How fire does fall and quench their yearning I love to watch the lost returning Where can we go from here? Through so many miles and so many years To the feet of Jesus Where the wounded heart is found There the grace of God abounds