This world's so captivating There's so much more to put faith in Everybody's offering me my 15 minutes of fame It wraps it's arms around me It's whispering songs of freedom in my ear It's tellin' me that I can be a superstar It's telling me exactly what I want to hear But Your harmony is drowning out the melody It's raging inside my head I tried to hide But it was spinning round me pulling me inside I opened my eyes Just in time to see my worlds collide Your love is changing my mind The world around me starts to fade away And I'm being refined You're bringing dawn to a brand new day This world's so captivating So much to put my faith in So many melodies competing for the right to be my song It's an unrelenting ambush Gunna find true love with just one more push Gunna find my solace just over this next hill Gunna reach Nirvana, gunna get my fill You're making black and white the gray You've replaced tears with Joy, and Night for day