- How I know, you can build a rainbow - Tell me witch, how can I build a rainbow - See that girl... - ...her smile is like a pearl, her lips are a bloody red - sensual and drive me mad. Her hair is black... - ...just like the death! - Her eyes - a madness... Oh! She is a goddess! - So you have to break her heart! but it will be so hard. She must fall in love with you! Forget to do it too! Then leave her and she must be hurt! She's gonna cry because of your lie and the tears will rain, and the sun will shine, and with the power of her pain the make-up's gonna fall and she'll forever go... So you'll have a rainbow. - You fell in love with her... - Now it so much hurts! My sorrow's gonna kill me... I shouldn't feel... - The happiness doesn't exist - One thing's always missed...