Firewalker Somewhere in a mountain oriental, Where virgin places sacramental Are forgotten worlds for you and me We are looking for a fairy, Speaking with colors of butterflies And strange pictures of clouds in the sky. If you find a magic flower - Analyze its` mystic power. Red hair as long as your dream - Firewalker dances naked and sings Barefoot in the glowing embers. They are her jealous defenders. Stretch your hand to touch her skin... You can`t reach her because of your sin. If you`re out of your body and fear, You won`t be burned, you`ll be near The truth and you`ll see Real unbelievable dreams. Dancing firewalker lonely and wild... Sleeping you hear her voice searching and mild Sending to you an allusion, She waits for hearts` fusion. Ride your horse through distant lands To hold firewalker in your brave hands. When you open your eyes in the morning, She`s gonna warm you up with the dawning.