Standard Fare

Wrong Kind Of Trouble

Standard Fare

Sat in the kitchen with a friend, she's heartbroken.
Faced with lies and betrayal, she wants to do it all again.
I said "is that the kind of trouble you want to get into?"

"is that the kind of trouble you want to get into?"
"is that the kind of trouble you want to get into?"
"is that the kind of trouble you want to get into?"

She said 'no', she said 'sleeping with the enemy,
sleeping with the hired help, seducing friends of the family,
and flirting with anyone else.

"Oh that's the kind of trouble I want to get into"
"Oh that's the kind of trouble I want to get into"
"Oh that's the kind of trouble I want to get into"
"Oh that's the kind of trouble I want to get into"

I said "oh, do you really want to go down that road?"
She said "I don't know"
"Sure beats sitting in the pick-up at night, crying your eyes out"