Tom: Bm G D G D How early is "Beginning"? From when is there a soul? G D G D Do we discover living, or, somehow, are we told? A A#dim In sudden pain, in empty cold, in blinding light of day Bm Bm/A We're given breath and it takes our breath away. How cruel to unformed fancy, the way in which we come -- Over-whelmed by feeling and sudden loss of love And what price dark confining pain, (the hardest to forgive) When all at once we're called upon to live (G G/F# Em - A) By giant hand we're taken from the shelter of the womb That dreaded firt horizon, the endless empty room Where communion is lost forever when a heart first beats alone Still, it remembers, no matter how it's grown (G G/F# Em - A) D D/G D We grow, but grow apart -- D D/G We live, but more alone -- Em The more to be, the more to see, C To cry aloud that we are free Bb A To hide our ancient fear of being alone And how we live in darkness, embracing spiteful cold Refusing any answers, for no man can be told That Delivery is delayed until at last we're made aware And first reach for love, to find twas always there. -- ><> Bananafish ><> (forwarded automatically to above address) "I've been reaching out to find a friend Who knows all the words, sings so she's heard, And knows how all the stories end." --Stan Rogers From: Barrie McCombs Subject: r/stan_rogers/delivery_delayed.crd DELIVERY DEA YED Time: 2/2 Tenor: D Bass: D - Stan Rogers, 1979, on: Between the Breaks, Key: D INTRO(?): Gmaj7, Gmaj7, D, Dmaj7 Gmaj7 * D Dmaj7 ....... How early is Be-ginning______ Gmaj7 * D Dmaj7 ....... from when is there a soul______ Gmaj7 * D Dmaj7 ....... Do we disco-ver living______ Gmaj7 * D Dmaj7 ....... or, somehow, are____ we told______ A * A#dim * In sudden pain, in empty cold, in blinding light of day Bm * A G * We're given breath and it takes our breath a-way How cruel to unformed fancy / The way in which we come Over-whelmed by feeling / And sudden loss of love And what price dark confining pain, the hardest to forgive Bm * A G G/F# Em * A * When all at once we're called upon . to live (Then) by giant hand we're taken / From the shelter of the womb That dreaded first horizon / The endless empty room Where communion is lost forever, when a heart first beats alone Bm * A G G/F# Em A7 Still, it remembers, no matter how it's grown____________ D * Dsus4 D We grow____, but grow a-part D * Dsus4 D We live____, but more alone Em * C The more to be, the more to see____ * To cry aloud that we are free Bb6 * * A * To hide our ancient fear(s) of being alone______ And how we live in darkness / Embracing spiteful cold Refusing any answers / For no man can be told That Delivery is delayed until at last we're made aware Bm * A G G/F# Em And first reach for love, to find 'twas always there_______ NOTES: - Tuning: DADGBE - Strings (fingerpicking): B+2, 4 3, B 2, 4 3 - A#dim: Rogers: x12020, posted x12320 (both are correct) - Original: Steve-o Bananafish , 20 Jan 1995 - Revised: Barrie McCombs (, 24 Jan, 1995