This is dedicated to the parade field trooper Who never leaves that nice soft garrison And always looks real pretty Now in the war torn jungles of Vietnam You’ll find a certain kind of man You’ll see him everywhere He’s a trooper, a garet trooper Yeah, he’s five foot four, 228 pounds of blubber Got him a nickel plated 45 tied down low, quick draw holster Two bandoliers of brasso-ed ammo Yeah he’s a trooper, a garet trooper He’s fought from Saigon to Nha Trang In every bar that is, and then only with the girls And he ain’t won one yet But he’s a trooper, a garet trooper garet trooper He’s got a hip knife, a side knife, a boot knife, a shoulder knife And a little bitty one that’s a combination flare gun, dinner set, and genuine police whistle But he’s a trooper, a garet trooper Now I run into one the other day, He told me a story, He said he'd just this minute come back from a fifteen day runnin’ fight against the Cong Said he captured a lot of loot You know what I saw when I looked down? A spit shined boot Yeah, he’s a trooper, a garet trooper garet trooper Now poor ole pilot come back today Half his crew was killed, aircraft shot to hell But he don’t say much He’s not a trooper, a garet trooper And out in the hills and the jungles and the swamps Living like a bunch of dogs Are some men wearing funny little green hats They stay out there and fight for months on end They don’t say much ‘cause they’re not troopers, garet troopers garet troopers And I bet finally, when I leave this war torn land The last thing I’ll see will be, though I may be in a drunken stupor I bet it’ll be a garet trooper garet trooper Yeah, they’re all over the place Ain’t hardly worth going to war no more