I thought you might appreciate the fact of my dream: a few shapes and lines, skyscrapers flew off. A satellite fell in the center of and broadcast teh fault that i had become but faraway far away you sang next to refrigerators ate a crabapple and faraway faraway i woke up in a heart with a sign that said drowning I woried alone: I knew i'd never be king of some broke rome fell apart at the knees and i worried today about the number days that i'd really get before they'd wipe me aweay. but in this world, in this world, so many bright-light people end awhole lot dimmer And in this world, in this world, my very blackest days you could never call tragic. I wont be anyone with a point or a bullet me drink all my fun from a sea, the bluest one. Break my dish on teh stairs to the stars. i dont care for a blank associate who wont cry- who will fit I'll never fit, wouldnt dream of it i wont fit never dream of it