Who pumps your gas, cooks your meals, works your fields Builds your skyscrapers, prints your newspapers, it's your next door neighbors In the ghetto city, gated community, In the hills of Appalachia or Beverly Metropolitan, charlatan, American Words don't mean shit and souls wear too thin My faith is lost from the burning cross To the "American owned and operated" swastika There's no pursuit of happiness in a land that's void of love Why should God bless America? Who cleans your gutter and your sewer And is gonna die sooner Working fingers to the bone Than in an office on the phone Underestimated Overlooked too long Don't tell me nothing's wrong It seems like all the good is gone Who stokes the factory fires Gets nothing to retire 75 and standing on a greasy fryer Metropolitan, charlatan, American Words don't mean shit and souls wear too thin My faith is lost from the steeple to the cross To the satellite evangelical thug There's no concern for selflessness, just smother push and shove Why should God bless America? I'm a citizen of the world that was made The maker's marks of soul on me they get over the shame Oh mercy all my ways