
Trouble Comes Running


I was in a functional way
I had my Brown Sound jacket
Queen of call collect on my arm

She was my calmer down
She was my good luck charm
Here it come running
Trouble come running again

Well, alright
I got taken away
By a heavenly host
To a heavenly place
I didn't wanna leave
I would not be swayed
But here it come running
Here it come running again

Trouble's where the kicks are
Here it comes running
Are you picking up
Are you picking up
Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

Here it comes running
Here it come running again
Running again

(well done!)
I was in a funcional way
And thinking clean, clean thoughts
Effort just to keep my nose on
Just trying to look straight ahead

Don't want to tell him he's wrong
Don't wanna tell him he's wrong
It comes running
Here it comes running

Trouble's where the kicks are
Here it comes running again
The slaves are on horses
Princes walk the ground like they're slaves

Here it comes running
Here it comes running again

Running again