Find the King of plastic straws He’s lost In the name of Santa Claus When you’re feeding the dumb, Sucking your thumb. Ali Baba, blah blah blah Magic -marker, -broomstick, -carpet ride If they think they’re fooling you, Just play along, "knock knock...Who’s there?" Into pleasure you’ll fall If you swallow it whole Into heaven you’ll fall If you do what I say Into pleasure you’ll fall If you swallow it whole Aesop’s fables rocks the jukebox pops golden hits coming down from the rooftops Pamphlet boys on world crusade The magician wins the people’s trust We’ll see what it’s worth in a day Into pleasure you’ll fall If you swallow it whole Into heaven you’ll fall If you do what I say Into pleasure you’ll fall If you swallow it whole The one thing you can’t deny It’s strong and long Easter rabbit, Road kill loss High Llamas rodeo The musician speaks, the children trust We’ll see what it’s worth on the… See-saw Going up going downtown The books from the playground Headaches on the See-saw Going up going downtown The books from the playground Headaches on the See-saw If you do what I say, Do what I say See-saw Going up, going downtown The books from the playground Head aches on the see-saw to live by the Sea-saw Going up, going downtown The books from the playground Headaches on the see-saw If you do what I say, ...Do what I say (Yeah!)