Steerin' by the light of the stars This machine is breaking down and so am I This time I've gone too far I'm low on fuel and all the laws of motion and gravity say I'm slowin' down I might as well Land in Roswell . . . . I've been alone up here for so so long a few new faces just might do me good Don't think I could go wrong to set down here 'cuz I believe as things go I could do worse than a southwestern American town I might as well Land in Roswell . . . . I been in flight for so long I hardly know what it feels like to walk on solid ground And if I never return then you will know that I've made this desert town my home See me descending... out of the blue sky... Over the desert... streaming out white light... See me descending... out of the blue sky... Down in the desert... I think I found my home...