
Attack of The Killer Rollerbladers


Attack of the killer rollerbladers
There you are again
Attack of the killer rollerbladers
Snake me everytime
I drop in
A turn once in awhile
Was all that i need
But forty of you
Just seem to proceed
In a line right after another
And not giving a chance
To me or my brother
Im sick of this
No more not a bit
You need to take a trip
Or get hit
Another one down
A million more to go
Aint gnona stop
Untill we reach zero

I traveled this world
And i found my place
It was to find all them
Rollerbladers and
Smack them in the face
I proceeded to do this
And i did a damn good job
But one left

There was one left
They said he was the best
Tough young lad
But its to bad
He wasnt tough enough
For the skater