Spit of Hate

The Beast Meet The Evil

Spit of Hate

Walkin' in a darkest streets
even lights was on my own
Following by a huge shadow
faceless for now
Walkin' a little faster
as my heart beat harder
I'm scared!
I just wanted to go back home
How can you do such things
Yes, you , fucker
Rape, just to sperm, on a girl you don't even love
A girl "which" doesn't wants you
You finally grap my shoulder
i'm feeling your power.
i think i can't escape
And bring me into a little dark and cold street
full of garbages, stinky, hell! i guess it's your home!
You got this knife pointed at me, and smile, oh fuck!
how stupid you look like!
Then you wanted to take away my skirt like a beast
Should i cry? Should i let myself being is thing?
Hell no, i'm the evil! I swear that you are going to DIE!
My finger creates on you two new holes, instead of your eyes
then you could receive more from
Two other bastards like you
Now you are blind
just like before, but sure now you can't see a shit
With your knife i cut off the things that you call brain,
And i see you were screamin' like a shit
poor mother fucker!
I see you slowly die in your paradise
i won't call an ambulance
I'll let you die and feel the pain