Spit of Hate

Skull On The Ground

Spit of Hate

Talking with people is weird
because when you think you can trust in them
when you think they are nice
they simply deceived you
No more sand, here it's full of skulls
No more sun, here it's huge fire
Skeletons invade this place
Skeletons brings you into darkness
A filthy grave, upon the silence
Beneath the ground, you can listen to scream
Silence is what you give me after giving you
my trust, but's too late you are one of them now
Burn slowly in hell, Share my nightmares
Don't come close to me, don't even look at me
Don't pretend, be yourself, just a shit as you are
Fanatic god prayers, common give me a break!
Through my place, i walk quietly
watching all of these insanity
Piece of flesh, open chest, they are heartless
Shotgun fire...
Damn i guess this one is for me
Just the time to stand up in front of you
Mister, so sorry you got a many big holes in your head
See, blood splash, your dead fucker
And enough time to come behind you
You will be soon another skull on the ground...