Are you just an ornate statue, set before us all To strike fear in our hearts by the mortal king Osiris be thy judge The sounds and smells of the ceremony to summon your mighty spirit upon us We've done your will - brought you offerings laid before your image I am the unbeliever, a skeptic at least Going through the motions To try and convince myself you're real Osiris be thy judge Does Anubis really hold the scale? Recorded for admittance or denial in the underworld Can I believe in this Edena afterlife? Or will your promises be unfulfilled in death? What's my reward for my high standing as noble man? Osiris answer me! Have you know of my inner thoughts against you Yet you let me walk this earth and unbeliever of this statue But I still crave the afterlife, as does the slave As does the pharaoh My views would label me a heretic Against the gods it's hard to believe The unknown though your subjects ambition Through enslavement of other men Build these great pyramids For these gods - unseen, unheard, unknown, oh no. Osiris be thy judge Does Anubis really hold the scales? Recorded for admittance or denial in the underworld I'd really like to believe you.