Savage instinct intelligence twisted, delusion settles in Planted thoughts to justify and confuse, reality briefly visits Tormented and weakened by the urge, lead by the hand of temptation When Madness creeps My days have thoughts of killing schemes Nightmares filled with gruesome scenes I feel this madness creeping in, I can't resist Madness creeps slowly My days have thoughts of killing schemes Nightmares filled with gruesome scenes I feel this madness creeping in, I can't resist madness creeps madness creeps slowly Gray matter blackens the question, Am I too far gone? Dark side hides in Lucifer's garden Reality briefly visits again But I'll take a dive before I'm hung out to dry Will the vision of the sunset shore Override the tide that swept me out to a sea of black As madness creeps the vision fades away When madness is written in your in your eyes If you can see your own face in the mirror Sanity returns willingly Open yourself up to truth I don't see the end for you I see the real you Stop this descent into madness Open yourself to truth I'm fighting for your life