He was courageous, and his people, With honour he defended His shield and his sword were legend... His name is known everywhere, Synonym of bravery A man-god, who shall save us all... He and his legion were ralied, To go fight on the plains A WAR!!!! Against the gods The enemies, without mercy Crushed the soldiers like insects Their destiny was compromised... Souls are lost, the hope is falling downward The troops were withdrawn but was it was too late The warrior had disappeared Hidden in the dark forest To protect himself from death But a malicious spirit tormented him... In the name of the lost warrior, We worship his name, and praise his Courage Our epoch, which darkens, Leaves us the memory, of who he was And... We fight for him... to protect, our honour... In the name of the lost warrior In the name of the lost warrior What was the fate of the north legion? And he will forever be in their memories...