Spirit Descent


Spirit Descent

For years and years now, I've been living in the shadows
I can see your face but you can't see mine
A wolf amongst the sheep, waiting for time to bring you sorrow
I'm ready to receive the final sign

Long ago I started for my journey through this forecourt
To what you might call heaven or maybe hell
First I am the nice guy, son-in-law they always wished for
Then I am the stranger in the dark... Stranger in the dark

Beneath the surface lies a truth obscured in darkness
Between all time and space it dwells
And then comes the time, the moment they see
There's something about me that's unusual, and I wander onward

There's so much more you never knew behind the sadness
That lies deep in my tearing eyes
And I'm hiding, sitting in this tiny black hole
I am living in a masquerade

Just pretending that I care for things you tell me
I am far away, though I seem to be here
My body might be here

My life is about hiding, searching, feeling lonely
Your eyes cannot see the things I see, no
Look twice, you might find a sign behind this smiling

Goodbye, there is darkness deep in me
The man you see is just a shadow, not existing
Now you see him, then he's far away

So many more like him are living next beside you
Ready to receive the final sign... The final sign