Last night as I lay, asleep in bed A fairytale came to my head About a boy, whose soul was under-fed And in the morn as I rose, frail and dazed And the sun crept through my half-drawn shades, I Rubbed my eyes, still amazed from dreaming That I'd lived a life and made mistakes, and Tumbled through mundane heartaches And met a girl, who'd changed the stakes completely And I'd traversed far through foreign lands, and Held the truth right in my hands And watched it slip, like castles made of sand Well I met a girl, not long ago, she Told me that my life could be so Filled with passion, that I might overflow She told me that thought was my crutch And I was missing, oh so much Then no more words, only gentle touch And she taught me that life was not rehearsed And dreams of better only lead to worse And her boy e e, he spoke of thirst And how we should take feelings first Well I met a man, he said to me That I should lead life cautiously, Well I took his words down to the sea, and drowned them Then with my life I set afloat With a girl in mind on which to dote Then deconstructed my own motes and drifted And as my barriers came tumbling down In the distance I saw the crown Of enlightened living, no more ups or downs But without my mind to lead the way My course and soul, did drift astray And I was borne, unheeded, against the waves Well this girl she held me, tight and near And told me I had much to fear And for a moment, the world was clear, for a moment She told that Truth was not trite And held me up unto the light But I can't get this story right, I'm trying Cause the land I speak of is a land afar And memories fade like shooting stars And this song's my last lingering scar, and it's healing And forever as I lay, asleep in bed These thoughts will drift on through my head Of this fairytale, this fairytale, I never wholly read