When the night has come When you're alone in the dark time If each of your dreams become a nightmare If each of your fears become a phobia Don't be afraid Don't try to run away From this evil attractiveness You are surrounded by the darkness Life is a perpetual fight Between God and Evil The night follows after the day And the day after the night But the sun isn't eternal One day will the chaos Take his place back And at this time will The darkness reign In the night live Undecided people Wavering between the men's realm And the one of the night In this kingdom where reign the evil And the great beast dwells Men's world isn't qualified (by) Really good and bad Whereas the darkness is extreme Sometime a little voice in my mind Urge me to something In front of some mortal I become angry I would like to see some guts away And my feasts become slaughters In the darkness It's up to you mortal To choose between yours Or shadow's land Which will give you strength And immortality All your fears will disappear But will make you enter In a permanent fight Choice is yours but think well You have to know that This trip is forever Nobody has ever came back from The darkness realm