George: Do you have the herpes? Jonny: Do you have the clap? George: Do you drink too much? Jonny: Are your teeth capped? George: Well let's just forget it. Jonny: Why do we even try? George: Why don't you call me? Jonny: Oh, why don't you drop by? George: My car's in the shop. Jonny: Well, my phone's not paid. George: I'm tired of this shit. Jonny: It's so hard to get laid. Together: Complicated problems of the modern single, it's so tough trying to get by. Complicated problems of the modern single, you'll never know 'til your crying stops. George: There's other girls out there. Jonny: I'm sure I can find a man. George: What about my things? Jonny: Did you check the trash can? George: Can't we make this simple? Jonny: Can't we sort this out? George: I don't really see a problem Jonny: and that's why I threw you out. George: You think you're the only one Jonny: You're just trying to rip my heart George: I'm only being honest, baby Jonny: I was bored from the start. George: You ever wash your crotch? Jonny: Oh, I thought that smell was you! George: Do you ever seem to be swell? Jonny: I don't know...I never do.