The main attraction dj ak-shun for your pleasure or your leisure Try to match the scratch and you will end up in a seizure Strain upon your brain, you can't contain the plain fact That if you tried to cut this hard I bet your record would crack Or either break, what does it take to make your hair-do I have to put a speaker to your ear for you To say, hey, I like the way the deejay is playin Cause that's what you'll be sayin You'll say, I want a deejay just like that one (inside di action) I'm special ed, my deejay's name is ak-shun Put together we're two, yet we're both number one Cause ak-shun got the scratchin, as well as the catch And I the funky super psychodelic words that match And we're the best at what we do, in our professions we're the highest Is it understood, we're very good, if not, try us One thing to know if you decide to disprespect Is if you're weak we reserve the right to reject We don't waste time with toys or weak crews Wanna rhyme, get in the line, I take you out by the twos And ak-shun, try to battle him, you're gonna need luck He's a destroyer, he'll destroy ya, make ya self-destruct Explode like a bomb into pieces, so then Superglue couldn't put you back together again And oh, by the way, you say you want satisfaction Well, all you had to say was (I want action) (I want action) (step back)