Spawn of the Matriarch

Blood On The Plains

Spawn of the Matriarch

A freezing fog 
Shrouding in uncaring greyness 
The verdant trees 
Became glistening claws of ice 

The silent prarie 
Gathered at the edge of night 
Piercing the flesh 
Pain as sacrament 

Violet tresses submerged 
Beneath a veil of frost 

A lull in the air silences the drawing bow 
Coiling, appeasing fury 
before the monstrous daughter of earth 

Thunder of mighty hooves 
Cleaves the earth in two 
Scalps of your enemies 
Blood on the plains 
Sweet as wine 

Wild goddesses split the sky 
Seeking vengeance for murder 
Breaker of horses 
In a sacred navel of soil