Sovereign Grace Music

Praise To The Lord The Almighty

Sovereign Grace Music

Tom: E

Praise to the Lord
        G#m         A            B    E
The Al-mighty, the King of cre – a - tion
O my soul, praise Him for
G#m         A              B     E
He is thy health and sal – va - tion
E           A
All ye who hear
E            A          B
Now to His temple draw near
C#m             A           B       E
Praise Him in glad ador  –  a  -  tion

[Verse 2]
Praise to the Lord
         G#m               A       B     E
Who o’er all things so wondrously reign-eth
Shelters thee un-der His
G#m             A           B    E
Wings, yea, so gent-ly sus-tain-eth
E              A
Hast thou not seen
E            A              B
How Thy de-sires e’er have been
C#m          A            B       E
Granted in what He or  –  dain  -  eth

[Verse 3]
Praise to the Lord
          G#m          A                E
Who doth pros-per thy work and de-fend thee
Surely His good-ness and
G#m          A       B    E
Mercy here daily at-tend thee
E         A
Ponder a-new
E             A        B
What the Al-mighty can do
C#m          A            B       E
If with His love He be-friend    thee

[Verse 4]
Praise to the Lord
      G#m         A        B    E
O let all that is in me a-dore Him
All that hath life and breathe
G#m              A        B    E
Come now with praises be-fore Him
E          A
Let the A-men
E                A      B
Sound from His people again
C#m        A     B    E
Gladly forever adore Him