I know what you want I know what you need A girl can live on just sweet nothins Security, she's got to have security Something she can show `em for all her time All her time A nice big rock Or just that little ring Your sweet talking don't mean a thing Security, she got to, got to have it Security, the girl really needs it Against the day when love starts its long decline She don't wanna wake up Poor and destitute She knows how love goes It's never absolute You might swear she could never be replaced And she'll believe you, but just in case She'll need a piece of the rock If you decide to roll The girls got insurance that she can consult Security, she got to keep on looking smart Security, little checks from the heart You're drunk with love but you gotta Sober up sometime, don't ya? You might tell the truth You might be a liar She don't know it so she'll require Security, your heart is running a race Security, hers beats a nice, steady pace Your cold, wet feet will get plenty of time to dry All she wants is S-E-C-U-R-I-T and a Y