She blew in like a hurricane From some crazy Texas town Rattled all the windows And tore my playhouse down I had a day job selling sneakers From some shoebox on the street She blew out all my speakers And she charged me for the heat Love and trouble Now I've got 'em both in spades Yet I ask for a bubble 99 degrees in the shade In the shade Say, I was linin' in a trailer park And workin' in a bar She said she knew astronomy And she'd like to read my stars Well, she could've been my astro twin The moon lay over me Scorpio was risin' so we jumped right into bed Stars were fallin' As the desert shadows played Prairie dogs were calling 99 degrees in the shade 99 baby She said, "Uh, honey, you know I usually get paid, But forget the money 99 degrees in the shade" I asked her would she stay She said she was on the run Some problem down in Mexico A body and a gun Her silver blue electraglide beckoned from the streets For a moment I considered it But I knew I couldn't take the heat We said our good-byes And I watched the taillight fade Mercury was on the rise 99 degrees in the shade Ah, in the shade, yea 99 and a half, baby Well, it just won't do I've got to have a hundred Ah, yea, so hot, so hot, so damn hot