You try to get us sued and shit
I'll take a salad shooter to your dick
And grind it up into little fries
I'll stick my dick into your eye
You call us gay hypocrites
But you're the one who's afraid to say shit
You try to fight, get in my face
You need a blow job from a can of mace

You can't get a girl so you lie to mine
I wish you'd just go fuck a beehive
You jerked off with gasoline
It got so hot you burned your spleen
You claim that you're celibate
But you're just fat and smell like shit
You kick me in the nuts and lie about it
But, hey! You're still fat and smell like shit

You hate a band cuz a song they wrote
You got no life, you're a fuckin' joke
Fuck you and your friends, you're dumb and fat
I'll sodomize you with a baseball bat!