Early morning in the crowded streets, and I behold The city, and the skyline is turning gold I look for connection in some strangers eyes Chasing pavements, I suppose I’m ought to feel alive And how the places, and how the faces range On the road of time and change Somehow we got to find A universal state of mind I take the bus, the train, the car, hardly knowing where I'm going And as I wander, I wonder, my wandering companions Do they stand alone? Do I stand alone? And I’m walking around, to feel the world go by Just walking around, to feel this world go by Day in, day out, I am lost and found As I look over theatre square in the fading day Every single soul that passes by is a runaway We are all so much together, in mutual solitude If we don't connect we'll find us bound hand and foot (I want everything that concerns you) (I want to live everything with you) (I would like to offer you everything) (I want to sing with you) Zijje verdwaold of verloren Ant dwaolen of ant tsjoolen Ey manneke Kopke en kinne omwhooge odn Tes ni de moeite voor olles te laoten vollen Pakt u leven vaste Ol krigje skippen in u bollen Tes an gi vo derut te komen Vo te twonen wiedaj zit Tes deur skippen te kriggen Dajje karakter kwjikt Nen ruggengraote en skoeren Tis doarmee dajt moet doene Ezwo kwiktje wok bollen an u lif Dus hjil Kortrik I’m walking around, just walking around And I’m walking around, to feel the world go by Just walking around, to feel this world go by And I’m walking around, to feel the world go by Just walking around, to feel this world go by And I’m walking around Just walking around Day in, day out, I am lost and found