Souls Thief

Souls Thief

Souls Thief

I got one way ticket
Straight to hell
For kill who i used to love
It's better i take my guns

I though it was on time
To look for something new
And then i set free of her
The woman who i killed before

Is this my future?
What future's waiting me?
Look at me and tell me what you see
This is all i have to show

I sold my soul
To the first i meet
Since then i stolen women souls
And that's why i'm here

I like this girl
And she's better doesnt know it
Tomorrow she will be dead
Wanna know why i'll do that?


I'm the Souls Thief
I'm the Souls Thief
But this thing was getting me in nuts
No more deals
No time to loose
I'll go to hell
But first i'll make you screammm....

Is this my future?
What future's waiting me?
Look at me and tell me what you see
This is all i have to show

I sold my soul
To the first i meet
Since then i stolen women souls
And that's why i'm here

You sound like a bitch
Waiting me on the street's
This night i ruined our souls
To uncertain future 

I'm the Souls Thief
I'm the Souls Thief
But this thing was getting me in nuts
No more deals
No time to loose
I'll go to hell
But first i'll make you screammm....