Ye' barren soil in ever thirst My breath sweeps dust From your plains like a Faith drained from it's temple A drought that leaves But fire from a tragic sun Inhale the fire from it's fertile womb And immolate What struggle are you Holding up to? I am the key! I am the faith caught in ruins Like you beseeched Drink my blood as boiling light Light the torch from the inside Live and incinerate! Ground be your idol With roots that shook the deep Flaming force of illuminated sin Set thy fatherless burdens ablaze No shadow was ever deeper Within the spectre of your soul No nightmare ever so real within The fear that makes the glow Malkuth, yesod Hod, netzach Tiphereth, geburah, chesed Da'ath, binah Chokmah Kether Drink it! Inhale it! Like a burning rabid fever Of all consuming fire Drink it! The fire from sin Inhale it! The ashes within Rupture and release in utter devotion Shaped through an astral landslide Colossal horns rise from above An all consuming blackness, bereft The day from it's nourishing light Herehafter wherein we dwell Oh how I feel your presence now In this magnetic field of A death to come, you draw me ever closer Mountains of flesh abide Under the will of men Draining rivers of blood sparkle In utter bliss before the throne of hell Already there to catch the scorched Feathers from the angels burning Already there at your lefthand path Hear these words echo As the sky cracks with fear