It feels like i'm drowning like all air abandoned me
Ceasing my existence as i'm swallowed by the sea
War-torn and bruised by weights inside this world
Relentless taunting voices make me wonder what i'm here for

It feels like i'm breathless like no air will come my way
Helping this heart beat again affording me another day
Weak from heartaches loss i've nothing left to give
Will there come a place free from pain for me to live

It feels like i'm it feels like i'm crawling like my air is gaining ground
Panting yet still breathing seems i might be coming round
Though scales tip toward the bad i must believe there's good
Waste not any pain lesson learned long misunderstood

It feels like i'm flying like all air is lifting me
Soaring like an angel boasting eyes of clarity
Views through vanity kept me close to dark and doors
Peace now as my friend makes me see there is so much more