darkness throughout centuries of poisoned dust after the final world war we´re all lost - we´re lost the end of all life we reached today planet earth is no more a place for life angels of death in sight waiting for mankind´s last cry last cry, waiting for last cry no sunlight is breaking through the dark sky please god now - he helps us we don´t want to die no child born these will survive after nuclear warfare got out of control the parents of these days became murderers of a damned and helpless generation because of weapons thought for prevention forced to die mistreated children cry damaged health unable to regenerate salvation calls death after a painful life the end is near enemies of ourselves that´s what we created nuclear firestorm and then is nothing the end of all life we reached today planet earth is no more a place for life angels of death in sight waiting for mankind´s last cry last cry, waiting for last cry darkness throughout centuries of poisoned dust after the final world war we´re all lost no sunlight breaks through the dark sky please god now - he helps us we dont want to die - to die the crown of creatures in this creation turned out to be monstrous and full of perversion but the time will come than you will see money is nothing to eat rich flesh will rot as well as poor and you will recognize money can´t protest from death never again war rises cause the crown of creation is going to die