Soul Control

The Year Of The Crow

Soul Control

into the sky, into the blood drenched skies 
his soul flew away to rally the death-hordes up in heaven 
and wherever his soul may go his words shall bring blood and honor 
hunt down the unworthy and the traitors soon it will come the year of the crow 
who will save you now, from the sins of your fathers, while the death-hordes prepare 
for the final battle 
to the battlesky 
the year of the crow 
and while cold winds of death penetrate the enemies hordesglorious are they 
who ride these winds 
for they truely are the rulers of the battlefields 
demonic crow will be unleashed and will spread her wings like a plague 
it's the blood sent 
from the heavens and you still make the sign of the cross, you devils 
hunt down the unworthy and the traitors 
soon it will come 
the year of the crow 
for they truely are the rulers of the battlefields 
or did they really expect to reap love, while the seed is torture 
and pain 
hail, to the battleskies; hail, mankind condemned to die in the year of the crow