Mister orientation on the edge of time upon here on the edge of town Lifts his glass to his lips and laughs as he sips as looks out over the village city Cuts the hustle and bustle and building some houses where the village idiot is sitting Now the firemen's house is burning down The cleaning lady's house is a mess The lifeguard is out there drowning somewhere The psychiatrist is just getting depressed All of this time we've chatted away you know the village idiot is thinking An like a piece of symmetry (on the idiot) Takes in a world like a soaken dreams (the idiot) And amusement flows like a free flowing stream Which the idiot is drinking And don't let your attitude get in the way you know the village idiot thinking And he's thinking for me And he's thinking for you And the trouble that we pull each other through And he's thinking for me And he's thinking for you Everybody's got something better to do (Chatter and applause) The watchmaker's watch is moving slow Mister know-it-all just doesn't know I simplify this life someday; I'm an idiot thinking An like a piece of symmetry (on the idiot) Takes in a world like a soaken dream (the idiot) And amusement comes like a free flowing stream Which the idiot is drinking Idi-idi-idi-idiot