She wakes up at at 7: 30 sharp To the sound of an alarm Playing a harsh noise in lieu of a bell Sits up in her bed and tries to reexamine Her life choices and the voice in her head Looks out the second story window That's still cracked from the night before A freezing wind blows under her shirt again And it's probably not the first time and probably not the last Blood-soaked sheets in a bath of red wine Isn't it funny how our half-dead bodies intertwine? She said, would it kill you to take your socks off at night? So she looks in the mirror for the third time this month Into feeling safe and unsure in her skin Despite constant encouragement from her family and her friends She has kind of stopped breathing again Isn't it funny how our half-dead bodies intertwine? She said, I miss when you made me feel nice So I sit up in my bed and try to reexamine My life choices and the voice in my head It is not about me What can I do to make you see I am lucky just to know you're alive? Before you leave, make sure the door's locked twice