Tom: G Am C When you feel that everything is G E heading forward through you; Am C G E when you feel that everything is wrong... G Bm what's the point of crying? C Am What's the point of breaking down? G Bm When you thought you gave everything you have... C D4 when you thought you've done everything you can... (Chorus) G Em C D you find yourself lying on your tears, ... you find yourself lying on the fucking floor... when you're suppose to be waiting (Am C G E) for someone to come trough that door! (Bridge) A C#m When you're above the clouds and you fall, F#m D get real baby, you've never been really there! A C#m But yet, there are some moments you think: F#m D (Am C G E) "life at some point can be fair”. Wake up, stupid! Life isn't fair! Wake up an dry your fucking face, 'cause now one will do it for you! Once more you where wrong and didn't saw the truth. Once more you where the clown and didn't make a clue! But once more you'll stand up and find you can really make it through! (Chorus) 'cause when you find yourself lying on your tears, you find yourself lying on the fucking floor... you realize that you're suppose to be waiting for someone that's not coming trough that door! (ending) Am C And then you wait... and wait... G E for that day that never come by! Am C And then you wait... and wait again.. G D (Am C G E Am C D G) 'cause hope's suppose to be the last one to dye!