At a time when we feel weak There is always a doubt To fight is to enter into the absurd that there is Black days will probably come Light doesn't exist Just this chaotic and absurdity You better die fighting Fighting A natural slowness Slow I gently take my place But if needed, be with force and brutality The future does not seem To have a good face Pearls to the swine Is easy to kill The hunger of a starveling Just as it is easy To dress the beggar You better die fighting than crawling There is a natural slowness An abyss that pulls you A vacuum that sucks you Values are reversed Breathe Reason for the shame Breathe A pledge of life Does not exist Victory guarantees Much less The white flag will be raised And in the end Everyone will live Is there any pride in that? Reason for the shame Perhaps At a time when we feel weak There is always a doubt Light doesn't exist A pledge of life Does not exist Breathe dust