Seven years a miner, a mine for seven more No better man on earth now to loose a moutain floor Do load us in the chippy the trucks down every day No braver man on earth boys no matter what they say So tell God and the devil they can try But today is not gona be the day we die Don't want to see those helmed man to come to carry you The ground is so cold and hard above they won't even bury you So top top topper lightning slightly as it goes You better take some cover now and hide before she blows Get those bricks and shovels of your backs Get the rocks into the box and down the tracks There's mokkers and there's skinners and nippers on the jill They work all day and night boys as only miners will Will chase rebellious copper the walls you pick and hack Don't worry if your digging scared, us miners get you back So tell God and the Devil they can try But today is not gonna be the day we die The Gods don't verture down here, the Devil lost your name Your life hangs in the balance on this fragile human chain And when your spirrits whirling the fear is yours to tame When you feel the darkness closing turn up your carbit flame And tell God and the Devil they can try But today is not gonna be the day we die So tell God and the Devil they can try But today is not gonna be the day we die