I was the first, one of the first My first day, a state trooper caught me Put me in the backseat of the car And meeting the other black kids, was six of us And seeing all of those parents And also KKK members having signs And throwing cans at us, spitting at us We lived in the threat of death every day, every day So I was just lost in this vacuum Between integration and segregation and, and racism That was my childhood I was angry for years Angry, very angry Eu fui o primeiro, um dos primeiros Meu primeiro dia, um policial estadual me pegou Colocou-me no banco de trás do carro E encontrando as outras crianças negras, éramos seis E, vendo todos aqueles pais E também membros da KKK com sinais E jogando latas em nós, cuspindo em nós Vivíamos a ameaça de morte todo dia, todo dia Então, eu estava perdido neste vácuo Entre integração e segregação e, e racismo Essa foi a minha infância Eu tive raiva por anos Raiva, muita raiva